What's New

New updates and improvements to GolfSheet

Handicap Calculation Settings

You can now adjust how our handicap calculation formula. You can adjust:
  • How many previous rounds to take into account
  • How many of the previous rounds to throw out, high or low
  • Max allowed handicap
  • Max score on a hole that can count towards golfer handicap
  • Multipler percentage
  • Minimum number of rounds played for official handicap 

These settings can be found on your League page.

Add League Rules

Like most leagues, you probably have a bunch of special rules that are specific to your league. Or maybe you've got other info that members may need to reference from time to time.

Now there is a place for it.

From the Season Menu dropdown, click the Rules & Info link.

All members will be able to view what you've written here. League Admins will see an Edit button in the upper right of the screen, where you can enter in whatever info you want.

Option for Round to count towards standings... or not

Previously, any scored round played would count towards Season standings. Now, Rounds have a setting for this.

This is useful for situations like end-of-year bonus rounds or "fun rounds" where you'd still like to track results for the season, but not have them affect the official season standings.

This setting can be found by clicking the Settings link on any Round page. From there, head to the bottom (shown below).

Round settings

Previously, scoring options were determined at the Season level. Now, each round has it's own scoring settings. These will default to what is set at the Season level, but can be customized individually.

This is great for leagues that may want to change scoring at different points throughout the season.

To change the scoring settings for a Round, simply click the Settings button from the Round page.

Auto updating score entry form

Previously, when scores were entered only the scorecard would update across devices in realtime. Now the numbers in the entry areas will update as well. This allows for multiple golfers to simultaneously mark their scores on the same card without worry of overwriting scores, putts, etc with outdated data. 

Pick up where you left off

If you navigate away from the score entry screen during your match, you'll now automatically be at your next hole when you return. 

View all scores per hole

You can now easily see what every golfer got on any given hole for a round.

Just click the Hole number on the scorecard. The scores will be ordered low-to-high and also include the adjusted score if the hole was handicapped for skins. 

With a quick glance you can tell who canceled out your birdie and cost you the big $$

Live Scoring

You can now view the progress and results of other matches in your group before they are submitted or even as they are being played. Previously, scorecards were only viewable by others after they had been submitted. 

Now, matches that have been started will be viewable from the Round overview screen. As strokes are entered, they will automatically update in realtime- no page refresh needed. Points will be calculated and updated as well. 

With his feature, scores are no longer defaulted to Par and instead will be blank. This allows you see the progress of a match and where Golfers are on the course. 

Scorecard Viewable on Score Entry Screen

You can now see the progress and points of your matchup from the score entry screen.

Simply tap or click Scorecard at the bottom right corner to toggle the scorecard.

The card will show at the bottom of the screen and will update automatically as scores change. Tap again to hide. 

Handicap Calculation Scores

The scores (strokes compared to par) used to calculate a Golfer's handicap now show at the bottom of the Golfer page.

Also: Golfer names in the standings list now link to the Golfer page. 

Clearer Score Entry

Matchup editing and score input have been separated. No more "Save" button present below score entry, as it was not actually relevant to score entry, which auto-saves on every change. 

A "Saved" flash message will now confirm score entries are saved successfully.